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The International Spiritual Warfare
It's A Good Day To War!

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Dr. Gail Bowen on March 17, 2020 at 6:21 PM said:

In the Saturday night service, the Spirit of the Lord was especially strong during the praise and worship. Suddenly, right above the stage, I saw a vision of people dressed in white for as far as the eye could see. I heard the Spirt of the Lord say that these were the fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, and all those who had gone before us in the Lord. He also said that we were surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. They were all worshipping God with us and it was as if heaven came down or we went up. I shared this with those there.
Then the vision continued and I saw the multitude with big white clouds swirling around above them. Out of the clouds came the Lord Jesus floating upwards. As He ascended the Spirit reminded me that when Jesus left the earth the angels said He would return the same way. Finally, He ascended to a pinnacle where He paused to receive all our praise. While He was ascending the Spirit said that He was high and lifted up and His train filled the temple. All the time the people praised and worshipped, Jesus was there above them receiving their worship and blessing them with His Holy Presence. Praise His Holy Name!

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