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The International Spiritual Warfare
It's A Good Day To War!
Team Apostolic Mandate


The International Spiritual Warfare Team Prospectus


In December 2003 Pastor Jim Landry invited twelve leaders from the Southeast Texas to  meet with him concerning the vision God placed upon his heart to host a citywide Spiritual Warfare Conference. Earlier that year the Lord had impressed upon pastor Landry's heart His plan of a Spiritual Warfare Conference to be held in the city of Beaumont. At first he resisted this impression, but later after prayer and submitting this vision to leadership across the USA, he realized that the work was inspired of God. Pastor Landry after first receiving a word from the Lord, began writing the impressions of the Lord note by note and placing these notes under his bed. He watched and waited for the Lord to work it all out, and by faith He did. During the meeting with the presbytery Pastor Landry shared the vision impressed upon his heart with the leaders in attendance, and all agreed that such a work was from the Lord and was needed in our community. After several meetings throughout 2004 and 2005 it became evident that this group was serving a valuable purpose and that a broader structure was needed before the first Spiritual Warfare Conference. We live in a time when ministries who agree with the Lord's message of deliverance are rapidly increasing in the USA and others countries around the globe. Therefore, in June 2004 the governing Board of Directors surrendered their positions and opened this opportunity to all interested ministers and ministries desiring membership with the Team. The first conference was held March 10-12th, 2005. Represented in attendance were thirteen cities from Texas, several states in the USA, Caribbean, Africa, and delegates from London gathered together and hosted this areas first of its kind Spiritual Warfare Conference. Our conference and workshop speakers were made up of the gathering attendees from the above nations and we were each blessed by the richness of God's deliverance messages. Several Ministry groups participated: Non-Denominations, Assembly of God, Methodist, Southern Baptist, Baptist, Word of Faith, Presbyterian and others joined and agreed with God's message of deliverance "Setting the Captives Free" Luke 4:18. The Lord blessed His work and those in attendance were encouraged and strengthened. Many ministries were commissioned and many relationships were established. 

Mission Statement

Term: ops (Special Operation Forces)

The military Navy Seals, Green Berets, Delta Forces, Rangers, and other special operations forces are trained to beat overwhelming odds on each mission. When our regular armed forces are confronted with overwhelming odds, the special operation forces specially trained in strategic warfare are brought in. We as apostolic teams are being trained to expel evil spirits. We are being called into the nations to tear down demonic kingdoms (strongholds). God's unique fighting forces: Special Operation Forces - OPS

Our mission is to unite a relational network of churches, ministries, the raising up of emerging apostolic sons/daughters, special ops leadership, unique fighting forces in the ministry of deliverance. Endowed with warfare strategies, apostolic teams targeting assaults against the enemy spiritual roots. Having a regional and global impact, fulfilling the apostolic dimensional mandate of Jesus in (Mark 16:17) And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out demons.

Vision Statement

The vision given to the Texas International Spiritual Warfare Apostolic Team is to facilitate the teaching and training of disciples in the ministry of deliverance (Matt 28:20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen. Equipping (Eph 4:11-13) apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelist, elders, deacons, watchmen, intercessors, emerging apostolic sons/daughters, special ops leadership, operating in bible based warfare strategies. That will dare the impossible and achieve the extraordinary. Trained apostolic team networks impacting locally and globally.


In Judges chapters 6-7, God selected Gideon as his special (ops) leader. Gideon was ordered to implement an attack on a superior number of well trained Midianites in a fortified encampment. This operation force was so successful, that even today the Israeli army considers Gideon's raid the model for its commando operations. Our purpose is to raise up a Gideon type warfare army with trained special operation leaders (ops). We will do our part in mentoring leaders, and deliverance workers, apostolic sons/daughters, for the end times battles ahead, setting the captives free from demonic bondage. As God's battle axes and weapons of war, (Je. 51:20). Healing and deliverance is the children's bread (Mt. 15:21-28). The members of the Team are accountable leaders from throughout the USA and abroad available for service as needed to assist Apostolic networks in facilitating spiritual warfare seminars and conferences. The Team is structured as a horizontal apostolic network. Pastor Jim Landry serves in the apostolic office as its chairman. Several offices are held by its Members: intercession, treasurer, secretary, and pastor of security. These officers are elected yearly. It should be understood that the International Spiritual Warfare Team does not provide primary spiritual or apostolic covering to its members, although a professional covering is implied.

Objectives - Apostolic Warfare Trust

To fulfill the Lord's message of deliverance, expelling of evil spirits, regionally and globally as apostolically mandated in the following scriptures: (Mt. 10:1-8), (Mk. 1:9), (Mk. 3:13), (Ac. 5:16), and (Ac. 26:18).

To fulfill the scriptural mandate of Jesus for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ep. 4:11-13), equipping believers in the ministry of deliverance to prepare them for the fierce end time demonic battles ahead. Raising up a Gideon type warfare army of believers to penetrate the enemies base of operations, special (ops) leadership.

To fulfill the connecting of the apostolic networks as the holy scriptures reflect the body of Christ as a network (Ep. 4:16). And the sharing of resources as shared in (Ac. 4:33-35). To impact locally and regionally with the ministry of deliverance.

Core Values

The apostolic commissioned mandate of Jesus

We value the great commission (Mt. 28:18-20) going into the world, regionally and globally. Through apostolic upgrade making disciples (apostolic sons/daughters) of all people.

The apostolic dimensional mandate of Jesus, the expelling of evil spirits (Mk. 16:17).

We value the fact a church or a people cannot manifest apostolic gifting, unless it operates in the balanced ministry of deliverance. The word apostle comes from the Greek word apostolos, which means delegate, ambassador of the gospel, one with miraculous powers, a sent one. The word apostle is also used as a secular term by the Greeks and Romans to describe envoys. They were military generals with authority to go into new territories and fight. 

Apostolic Team Ministry

We value the fact Jesus is the Chief Apostle sent by God (He. 3:1), we are living in apostolic times and seasons. God is raising up an apostolic company of believers (Jn. 7:18), and apostolic teams to impact city and nations, through the ministry of deliverance.

Apostolic Networking (relationships)

We value the fact in (Am. 3:3) How can two walk together except they be agreed. We value Godly relationships (kindred spirits) perpetuated with Godly order, proper relationship with each other in the ministry of deliverance, networking to help fulfill biblical mandated deliverance works, regionally and globally.

Apostolic Leadership

We value the role and influence of leadership. All believers have leadership capabilities. Some have grace gifting for higher positions of leadership as seen in the following scriptures. (Nu. 11:25-29), Ac. 13) and (Ro. 13).

Team Memberships

Membership is by invitation. Membership dues and gifts received are used to pay necessary expenses associated with hosting seminars and conferences. Nominations for new members should come from current members.  Each member will receive a certificate of membership suitable for framing. Team Memberships are individual,  husband & wife and associate. In 2012 the group created the Team Associate membership for persons desiring to participate and be a part of this work from around the world. 

Team members receive communications via email, direct mail, and phone messaging following each scheduled meeting of its membership. Team membership covers each members conference registrations, workshops and all activities during The Annual Iron Sharpening Iron Conference held in March annually.

NEW.....All Team Memberships renew annually during the month of December. 

Team members may list their ministry information on the Team's website.

Team members meet annually for ministry updates and missions. The Texas International Team members meet in Beaumont, Texas during the month of March each year.  


Team members interested in joining our staff of teachers may submit an ministry biography to Pastor Jim Landry. Ministry biography's are not required for selection as seminar or conference speakers. We desire that your ministry experience be made available to the body of Christ.

Statement of Faith 

(A) The Holy Scriptures: We believe the holy scriptures of the old and new testament to be the verbally and plenary inspired word of God. The scriptures are inerrant, infallible and God breathed, and therefore are the final authority for faith and life. (Ti. 3:16-17), (2Pe. 1:20-21)

(B) Deity of Jesus Christ: We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became a man, without ceasing to be God manifested in the flesh. And having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful men. (Is. 7:14; Lk. 1:35; 2 Co.5:19-21; Ph.2:5-8)

(C) The Person and work of the Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and, that He is the supernatural agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption. (Jn. 16:8-11; Ro. 8:9; 1 Co. 12:12-14; 2 Co. 3:6; Ep. 1:13-14)

(D) The personality of Satan: We believe that Satan is real, the author of sin and the cause of the fall of man; that he is the open and declared enemy of God and man; and that he shall be eternally punished in the Lake of Fire. (Jb. 1:6-7; Is. 14:12-17; Mt. 4:2-11, 25:41; Rev. 20:10)

(E) Evil spirits: We believe that demons are evil spirits who assist Satan in the destruction of mankind, as stated in Holy Scriptures. (Mk. 1:32, 39; 3:11, 20-30; 5:1-20; 6:7-13; 7:24-30; 9:38-41)

Disciples for Jesus Christ - Boots on the ground

Jim & Alberta Landry,  are members in good standings with the following Ministries.  

"Grace International" formerly "Continental Missionary Crusade" Senior Apostle Dario Parish  http://www.graciainternaclonal.tv   

"Lake Hamilton Bible Camp"    www.lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com      

"Christ Outreach Ministries" www.christoutreachministry.com               

Team Advisory Board

Geri McGhee "Abiding Life Ministries"  Lindale, TX  http://www.gerimcghee.com

Gene Moody "Deliverance Ministries" Baton, Rouge, LA  www.bedelivered.com

Team Board of Directors

Pastor Jim Landry,  Pastor Alberta Landry, and Pastor Ed Johnson