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The International Spiritual Warfare
It's A Good Day To War!


To be notified by email of meetings happening throughout the USA - Or to request a meeting to be held at your location: Contact

Chairman  Dr. Jim Landry       Drjtlandry77@yahoo.com  

Conf. Grounds Security Pastor           

Director of Foreign Affairs    deliverancteam7@yahoo.com


Advisory Board  Geri McGhee   gerimcghee@sbcglobal.net 

                             Gene Moody   gbmoody@bellsouth.net

                            Alberta Landry   drablandry7@yahoo.com

Membership/information           deliveranceteam7@yahoo.com


Interested in having a seminar or conference in your city? Team members are ready!  Team ministry brochures, subjects, and their synopsis are available.                                        


Links: www.lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com



 Texas International Spiritual Warfare Team

 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 20994 Beaumont, TX 77720